Insurance Advocacy
& Community Reentry

Our Team Works With You
Do you feel overwhelmed by the myriad details and technicalities that constantly pop up when it comes to insurance? The fact is that health insurance coverage and eligibility for government entitlements are constantly changing and have become increasingly complicated. Our insurance advocacy and community reentry team works with you to determine what is covered – and what is not – when applying for admission to a rehab facility or choosing a doctor or therapist.
You may also need to learn the benefits and application process of various government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. You will be faced with choices of managed Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, supplemental plans and a great deal more. The details and nuances of each are only possible to decipher with the help of an experienced professional. There are many other invaluable programs that most people are unaware of, such as TBI Waiver.
We will provide you with the information you need or refer you to the companies, agencies, organizations, government offices, and advocates that can help.
A crucial step in recovery is transitioning from a healthcare facility to a home and community.
You won’t have to fend for yourself regarding the critical homecoming process. We step in to coordinate services and referrals for home care. You will have all the help you need to find the proper agencies for aides, nurses, and therapists and to arrange home modifications, accessibility, and equipment. As time passes, you may need a specialized referral to an attorney, driving school, or day program. We are there every step of the way.
Whether maximizing health insurance benefits, enabling informed decisions about eligibility at every stage of rehabilitation, facilitating discharge to home, or easing the process of community reentry, our dedicated insurance advocates and case managers are here for you.
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Insurance & Entitlements
Home Care Agencies