Nobody expects brain injury to strike.
When it does, BINA is there.
Nobody expects brain injury to strike.
When it does, BINA is there.
You don’t have to do it alone. BINA can help.
Learn How BINA Can HelpNews from BINA
Have you been confronted with the sudden and complicated reality of brain injury? You are facing many challenges and may feel shocked and overwhelmed. You must make critical decisions with no experience or information and little time to research your options.
BINA has made a real difference in the lives of thousands of brain injury, stroke, and spinal injury survivors and their families. Whether a TBI (traumatic brain injury) from a fall, car accident, or sports injury, or a stroke, brain tumor, aneurysm, or anoxia (loss of oxygen), we understand.
We can help.
We guide you through the unfamiliar world of brain injury rehabilitation and support you as you travel the long road to recovery. Our team approach ensures successful referrals and optimal outcomes at every stage of the rehabilitation continuum. Whether at the onset of the illness or injury, or months and even years later, you will benefit immensely from our wealth of experience, countless facility visits, and unparalleled access to leading professionals in the field.
If you don’t know where to turn after a brain injury, call BINA.
We will stand at your side every step of the way.
About Us
Our professional and dedicated staff has the expertise and resources you need to navigate the often complicated world of brain injury. We will leave no stone unturned to achieve the goal of optimal recovery and will stand at your side every step of the way.
Our professional staff works with you to meet every need on the long road to recovery and structure a step-by-step plan for recovery and rehabilitation.
The brain controls everything we do and an injury can cause a range of physical, cognitive and emotional deficits. The right choices can make all the difference in outcome for both patient and family, often for a lifetime.
We give you the information you need to make the best medical and rehabilitation decisions at every stage of recovery. Our comprehensive services will ease the road to rehabilitation for you.
Rehabilitation Referrals
& Care Navigation
We help you formulate the best possible plan and allow you to make informed decisions at every stage of rehabilitation.
Insurance Advocacy
& Community Reentry
The insurance advocacy and community reentry team works with you to assess, plan, coordinate, and monitor services for both the brain injury survivor and the family.
Crisis Intervention
& Family Support
We offer counseling, support and education to families affected by the many changes and challenges that arise due to the upheaval of a brain injury.
Medical Advocacy
Our medical advocate addresses complex medical needs and identifies the optimal provider or clinical setting for the patient.
Educational Advocacy
We work with families to find the best educational setting for a child returning to school after a brain injury, and collaborate with the school to put the necessary accommodations in place to ensure success.
BINA in the Community
Our educational webinars and videos, presented by leading specialists, will give you a deeper understanding of brain injury and its far-ranging effects in various areas. Webinar recordings and videos are available here.
Family Training
A monthly Zoom meeting is presented by Elchanan Schwarz, LMHC, Director of Crisis Intervention and Family Support to educate families recently affected by a stroke or brain injury. Learn more and register here.
Research & Clinical Trials
The Research and Clinical Trials section of our website will allow you to identify possible clinical trial opportunities and benefit from cutting edge research and therapies that may not otherwise be available. Learn more here.
The biannual BINA Expo is an invaluable opportunity to meet and interact with vendors representing a cross-section of the brain injury rehabilitation world. Learn more about the 2023 Expo – BX23 here.
BINA Families Speak
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